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Mars Day: Colonizing the Red Planet (Grades 5-8)

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9:30 AM, Friday 28 Jun 2024 (1 hour 20 minutes)
The Center for Space Education - Room 7030
Join us for Mars Day: Colonizing the Red Planet, to discover how to take the work NASA is doing and deliver it right to your students in the form of engineering challenges.  During this workshop, you will get ideas for how to implement full scale projects that allow students to work as NASA rocket scientists and engineers. You will also leave with a list of ideas for continued professional development, resources, and opportunities for your students including ways to implement a summer camp!  

Who's Attending

Tram Tran
Broward County Public School
Brian Welch
Science Instructional Specialist
Broward County Public Schools
Olga Malkina
Associate Professor
Terri Tomassi
Math Specialist
Feltwell Elementary, DoDEA Europe West
Mr. Bennett
Technology and Engineering Teacher
Brevard Public Schools: Career & Technical Education
Janene Neal
Instructional Designer
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Wes Fryer
Middle School STEM Teacher
Providence Day School

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