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Lord of the Rings Murder Mystery Demo

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8:00 PM, Vendredi 29 Sep 2017 (1 heure 50 minutes)
Gateway Center - Cahokian
Wardric of Arnor was not a powerful man. He was a blacksmith, working to support his beautiful wife. In ages past, he was a lord in his land, but that meant nothing now. Instead, he kept his nose to the ground and hammer on his anvil as he etched out some semblance of a life with his little family.

Now Wardric, his kingdom all but destroyed by war and greed, had to do what he could to protect his people. He knew that few recognized the land of Arnor, but the pain and suffering of the people of his homeland inspired Wardric to defend a land that to some didn’t even exist. With this mission in his heart, Wardric set out to see what a simple lord turned blacksmith could do in the fight against evil.
Join Sly Hedgehog Productions as we investigate the death of Wardric of Arnor in this Lord of the Rings themed Murder Mystery. With no actors and no scripts, our Murder Mysteries are fully interactive. You are the detective solving puzzles, completing team challenges, and earning points, all while trying to avoid the killer (unless the killer is you!). LIMITED TO THE FIRST 35 PEOPLE  (2 hours)

Mon statut pour la session


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