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A Moon City: Competition or Collaboration?

Mon statut pour la session

3:00 PM, Samedi 30 Sep 2017 (50 minutes)
Gateway Center - Ballroom A
Google Lunar XPRIZE and the Moon Village are two different approaches for exploring the Moon and developing a permanent city. “The $30M Google Lunar XPRIZE is an unprecedented competition to challenge and inspire engineers, entrepreneurs, and innovators from around the world to develop low-cost methods of robotic space exploration.” (the XPRIZE website)  The Moon Village is “a community created when groups join forces without first sorting out every detail, instead simply coming together with a view to sharing interests and capabilities.” This idea is suggested by ESA’s Director General Jan Woerner. How can these different approaches help make a future lunar city a reality?

Ms Christine Nobbe


Mr. Bob Perry


Mon statut pour la session


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