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Born in 1953, Kathleen Bartholomew cannot stand mid-century style and is delighted to believing in the 21st Century. Accidentally irradiated in her fifth month in utero, Kathleen grew up (with a variety of amusing deficits) to be the life-long writing partner of her sister, Kage Baker; at least, until Kage died in 2010. Kathleen is busy staving off the myriad attacks of old age in order to continue Kage's stories as much as possible. Currently, several short stories and a novel are under consideration – or so her agent tells her. She keeps writing anyway. Kathleen lives in Los Angeles with her family, 2 cats and a parrot; they are hoping for a Corgi soon. (all suggestions welcome.) Kathleen also writes a semi-daily blog about Kage, writing, and whatever enters her head – it can be found at