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Master Class (copy)

master class
5:30 PM, Samedi 26 Mai 2018 (1 heure 30 minutes)
San Mateo Marriott - Connect 1

Diagnosing story fail problems, especially for intermediate and above writers, those who've sold a novel or a handful or stories and want to take their work to the next level. What do you do when you know your story isn't working, or working as well as you'd hoped, but not why? The class will give participants a variety of tools for discovering where their project falls apart and how to re-envision it anew. Not a critique or fix-it session, and not for those still struggling to complete a story.

Bestselling Author
author, editor
Detail de session
Pour chaque session, permet aux participants d'écrire un court texte de feedback qui sera envoyé à l'organisateur. Ce texte n'est pas envoyé aux présentateurs.
Afin de respecter les règles de gestion des données privées, cette option affiche uniquement les profils des personnes qui ont accepté de partager leur profil publiquement.

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