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Security Policy

All weapons or weapon facsimiles must be “peace-bound” in a visible manner and in such a way that they cannot be removed. Come see F.L.A.R.E. at our HQ in Connect 2 and we will be glad to peace-bind your weapon for the duration of the con.

A note on weapons: If it looks like a real gun – this means ALL handguns, rifles, or assault weapons – Leave It At Home or in your hotel room! We recognize that there are a lot of great costumes that include a firearm but we don’t want to freak out the general public or the Police Department.

Weapons to be used in the Masquerade or for hall costumes must be peace bound! Bring any weapons to Connect 2 for inspection.

NO means “no.” STOP means “stop.” GO AWAY means “go away.” All attendees at BayCon are expected to treat other attendees, guests, staff, and the general public with respect. If someone tells you he or she is uncomfortable with what you are doing, STOP IMMEDIATELY. If you are unsure what constitutes harassment, err on the side of caution. Physical and verbal harassment and sexual assault will not be tolerated.

If you engage in harassing behavior, F.L.A.R.E. will take any action deemed appropriate, including warning, revoking your membership and badge, and expulsion from the Con with no refund. Law enforcement will be called in if necessary. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact F.L.A.R.E. immediately.

FLARE and Security Policy