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St Michael's Swordfighting Class

11:30, Samedi 27 Mai 2017 (1 heure 30 minutes)
San Mateo Marriott - The Courtyard
From Excalibur to Agincourt the longsword is a living link to legends of chivalry, and a weapon that challenges the user as well as the foe. From William Wallace’s last stand popularized in Braveheart to Aragorn’s Narsil in The Lord of the Rings, to the Doctor dueling the Sycorax: for centuries the long sword has captured the historical and cultural imagination of the West. Kings and Knight, frequently armored, chose this lethal blade for the serious business of warfare. Come have a lesson with St. Michael's Salle d'Armes and learn the martial tradition of the European longsword in a fun and safe environment. En garde!
Physician Anesthesiologist
St. Michael's Salle d'Armes
Fight Coordinator St. Michael's Salle d'Armes
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