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Taming Your Yetzer HaRa: Ego, Environment, and the Psychology of (Un)Ethical Rabbinic Behavior

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1:45 PM, Wednesday 21 Mar 2018 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Hotel Irvine - Theater

With profound gratitiude, the CCAR thanks Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP for underwriting this workshop

How can we rabbis identify environmental and personal factors that can lead us to a life of integrity and community, without ethical violations? Join an exploration into the "teachable" ethical values that will keep a rabbi safe and strong. We will clarify power and power inequities, unique multiple relationships, and boundary crossing versus boundary violation, and conclude with concrete suggestions for self-care that will help you obtain accurate feedback, notice the personal warning signs, and get back on the right path. 

Karen L Fox


Lewis Barth


Dena Feingold


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