Freehof Institute: Reform Responsa Past and Future: The Halakhic Legacy of Solomon B. Freehof
My Session Status
2:00 PM, Tuesday 2 Apr 2019
(1 hour 15 minutes)
Hafsakah 03:15 PM to 03:45 PM (30 minutes)
- AJA: Seminar Room
Solomon B. Freehof, rabbi, scholar, HUC faculty member, was the preeminent halakhist of the American Reform movement during the 20th century. To explore his legacy and its implications for the future, we will hear from two of our CCAR colleagues: Joan Friedman, author of Guidance, Not Governance: Rabbi Solomon B. Freehof and Reform Responsa (HUC Press, 2013); and Walter Jacob, Freehof's successor as chair of the CCAR Responsa Committee and author of several volumes of Reform responsa.
This session is the annual meeting of the Freehof Institute for Progressive Halakhah.