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Samedi 27 Février, 2016

Fuseau horaire: (GMT+02:00) Jerusalem
8:15 AM
8:15 AM

Tel Aviv - Various Hotels

8:15 AM Departures from David Intercontinental and Ruth Danielle A limited number of print siddurim will ...
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Shabbat Morning Services at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art
3 heures 30 minutes, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Tel Aviv - Museum of Art


Mary Zamore, Women's Rabbinic Network (Participant.e)

Ellen Lewis, Professional Supervision for Clergy (Participant.e)

Rabbi Denise Eger, Congregation Kol Ami (Participant.e)

Thalia Halpert Rodis, HUC-JIR (Participant.e)

Deborah Hirsch, Shaaray Tefila (Participant.e)

Harold Kudan, Congregation Am Shalom (Participant.e)

Beth Waldorf, NAORRR (Participant.e)

Josh Weinberg, ARZA (Participant.e)

David Lyon, Congregation Beth Israel (Participant.e)

Naamah Kelman, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Jerusalem (HUC-JIR) (Participant.e)

Steve Fox, CCAR (Participant.e)

Boaz Dorot (Participant.e)

Shani Ben Or (Participant.e)

Judith Schindler, CCAR Israel Convention (Participant.e)

Noa Sattath, Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) (Participant.e)

Yehoyada Amir, Professor and Chair (Participant.e)

Gilad Kariv, IMPJ (Participant.e)

Anat Hoffman, Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) (Participant.e)

Levi Weiman Kelman (Participant.e)

A limited number of print siddurim will be available.  You can download the Kindle eBook version of Mishkan T'filah for Tra...
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
Shabbat Lunch and Program at Mishkenot Ruth Daniel
1 heure 30 minutes, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tel Aviv - Mishkenot Ruth Daniel


Mickey Gitzin, Tel Aviv's Municipality (Participant.e)

Mehereta Baruch (Participant.e)

Dr. Nadine Baudot-Trachtenberg, Bank of Israel (Participant.e)

MK Manuel Trachtenberg, Zionist Union (Participant.e)

Elaine Zecher, CCAR (Participant.e)

Paul Kipnes RJE, Congregation Or Ami (Participant.e)

David Stern, CCAR (Participant.e)

Meir Azari, Beit Daniel (Participant.e)

Introduction by David Stern and Meir Azari Program: An Inside Look into the Reform Movement in Tel Aviv. Motzi:
2:30 PM
2:30 PM

Tel Aviv - Off-site Tracks

Off-site Trip

5:30 PM
5:30 PM
Dinner with Friends, Family and Colleagues
2 heures 30 minutes, 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
8:15 PM
8:15 PM
Kobi Oz Concert & Havdalah
1 heure 30 minutes, 8:15 PM - 9:45 PM

David Intercontinental Hotel - Ballroom

Kobi Oz (Participant.e)

Carey Brown (Participant.e)

Nir Barkin, IMPJ (Participant.e)

Mayor Ron Huldai (Participant.e)

Daniel Shapiro, United States of America (Participant.e)

Yehudit Werchow, Masa (Modérateur.rice)

Oren Hayon, CCAR (Modérateur.rice)

Greeting from Mayor of Tel Aviv, Ron Huldai  Introduction by Oren Hayon and Yehudit Werchow Alan Berlin introduces Ambassador Dan ...
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