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Dimanche 19 Mars, 2017

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Pre-Convention Program: The Long Arc of Civil Rights through the Eyes of Jewish Atlanta (Pre-registration required)
6 heures, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Inscription req.

Loews Atlanta Hotel - Hotel Lobby

Off-site Trip

Tour Guide: Billy Planer Beginning with the Leo Frank story at the Pencil Factory, explore the role Atlanta has played in civil and ...

Loews Atlanta Hotel - Ravinia


10:30 AM
10:30 AM

Loews Atlanta Hotel - Piedmont


Michael Shields, Temple Kol Tikvah of Lake Norman (Participant.e)

12:00 PM
12:00 PM
Pre-Convention Program: The United States & Israel: Lessons from the Past, Looking towards the Future (Pre-registration required)
3 heures, 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Inscription req.

Loews Atlanta Hotel - Ellington Ballroom - Salon F


Sponsored by CCAR and ARZA We are witnessing a potential new world order that can significantly alter the US - Israel relatio...
2:30 PM
2:30 PM

Loews Atlanta Hotel - Piedmont


Michael Shields, Temple Kol Tikvah of Lake Norman (Participant.e)

3:00 PM
3:00 PM

Loews Atlanta Hotel - Overlook


6:00 PM
6:00 PM
Opening Night Reception: Welcome to Atlanta
1 heure 15 minutes, 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM

Loews Atlanta Hotel - Overlook


7:15 PM
7:15 PM
Opening Night Dinner
1 heure 30 minutes, 7:15 PM - 8:45 PM

Loews Atlanta Hotel - Ellington Ballroom - Salon ABCD


Rabbi Denise Eger, Congregation Kol Ami (Participant.e)

Welcome: Denise L. Eger Motzi: Our Local Rabbis and Convention Committee Presentation to Denise L. Eger, CCAR President, 2015-...
10:00 PM
10:00 PM

Loews Atlanta Hotel - Suite 1028


First Timers' Reception
1 heure, 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Loews Atlanta Hotel - Presidential Suite - Rm 2628


10:30 PM
10:30 PM
Friends of Bill W
1 heure, 10:30 PM - 11:30 PM

Loews Atlanta Hotel - Boardroom


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