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WP Puppet Theatre

Contact Us:

WP Puppet Theatre uses the power of puppetry to impact positive social change. Through our puppetry infused learning opportunities and performances we inspire, challenge, empower, support expression, and encourage empathy in our audiences and participants.

Our inaugural ONLINE course, Playing with Shadows explores Light and Shadows and provides scaffolding to Science, Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Art, Drama and Health and Wellness curriculums. For just $39.99 teachers can purchase 1 month access and 3 supplementary workshop plans. Other add-ons include a shadow puppet stage, material kits and live online sessions with a workshop facilitator.

With 30 years of experience, WP Puppet Theatre provides unique and engaging opportunities to explore a new way of learning for yourself and your students. Take a look at our website for more information and please reach out with any questions!

Our team

The virtual room join links will be shown here a few minutes before the session start time.
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