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Kinesis Education - Math and Social Studies

Contact Us:
Phone us:  1 866 750 9466

A proudly Canadian publisher, producing educational resources with singular high-quality content encouraging the use of progressive teaching approaches for over 50 years. Our main goal is to help children from early childhood through elementary school develop and achieve better education results. Our collections are available in both English and French.

Consultez nos promotions uniques / Check out our special promotions:

- Quickcheck Maths pour les classes de maternelle à 3e année. 
  Quickcheck Math for K to 3 students and teachers. 

- Amérix cartes murales plastifiées pour l'enseignement de l'histoire et de la géographie.
  Amerix Wall Maps, a versatile teaching tool for Social Studies.



Nos collections / Our collections:

Quickcheck Maths (FR)* Maternelle à 3e
Amérix (FR) Cartes pédagogiques 
Veritech (FR)* Littératie, Numératie, Sciences – 6 à 12 ans
* Outil d'apprentissage autocorrectif 

Quickcheck Math (EN)* K to 3
Amerix (EN) Pedagogical Wall Maps
Veritech (EN)* Literacy, Numeracy, Natural Sciences – ages 6 to 12
* Self-checking learning tools


Christiane is available to meet with you & answer your questions in English and French, on both Thursday & Friday.
Don't forget to schedule your appointment by clicking Request a meeting.

Francisca is also available to chat. Vous pouvez lui adresser vos questions en français et en anglais.

Our team

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