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STC: Advanced Instrumentation and Techniques for Valveless Glaucoma Tube Shunts

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3:45 PM, Saturday 11 Jun 2022 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Skills Transfer Course (STC)Glaucoma

This course will be help attendees become more comfortable and proficient with valveless tube surgery.  The attendee will be able to become proficient in ligation and fenestration techniques in a simulated surgical setting.  They will be able to implement techniques and strategies to improve surgical workflow and efficiency when using these techniques.  This course will be useful for glaucoma surgeons of all levels.

Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate effective tube ligation techniques
  • Implement novel instrumentation to create tube fenestration using a variety of techniques accurately and precisely
  • Describe the steps of small incision approaches to valveless tube surgery

CanMEDS Role: Medical Expert, Scholar

Advance registration is required.
Registration is open to: Glaucoma surgeons and glaucoma fellows

Max. 18 participants
Fee: $250

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