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Cornea II: Surgical Cornea

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3:45 PM, Saturday 17 Jun 2023 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Québec City Convention Centre - Room 307 AB | Salle 307 AB


Learning Objectives:

At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 

  • To review pathophysiology of and novel treatments for Fuchs corneal dystrophy
  • To understand the effects of glaucoma on corneal transplantation success rates
  • To understand various surgical techniques to treat ocular surface diseases
  • To review endothelial transplantation techniques and outcomes in complex anterior segments


CanMEDS Roles:

Sub Sessions

3:50 PM - 3:53 PM | 3 minutes

 Authors: Yishay Weill , James J. Armstrong, Joshua Teichman.  Author Disclosures: Y. Weill:  None.  J.J. Armstrong:  None.   J. Teichman:  None.,  Abstract Body: 

3:53 PM - 3:56 PM | 3 minutes

 Authors: Manokamna Agarwal 1, Jyh Haur Woo2, Kamiar Mireskandari1, David S. Rootman1, Asim Ali1.  1The hospital for Sick Children, 2Singapore National Eye Centre.Author Disclosures: M. Agarwal:  None.  J. Woo:   None.  K. M...

4:18 PM - 4:21 PM | 3 minutes

 Authors: Anas Abu-Dieh 1, Ange Tchatchouang1, Mathieu Thériault2, Isabelle Brunette3, Patrick J. Rochette1, Stéphanie Proulx1.  1Université Laval, Faculty of medicine, Department of ophthalmology, Quebec, QC, Canada; CHU de Quebec-Université Laval Research center, division of regenerative medicine, Quebec, QC, Canada ; LO...

4:21 PM - 4:24 PM | 3 minutes

 Authors: Judy Yan1, Keya Patel1, Narisa Dhupar2, Ness Little2,  Stephan Ong Tone 2.  1Sunnybrook Research Institute, 2Sunnybrook Research Institute, University of Toronto.Author Disclosures: J. Yan:  None.  K. Patel:   None. &nbsp...

4:24 PM - 4:27 PM | 3 minutes

 Authors: Nicolas Kahuam , Alfonso Iovieno, Sonia N. Yeung.  University of British Columbia.Author Disclosures: N. Kahuam:  None.  A. Iovieno:   None.  S. Yeung:  None. Abs...

4:32 PM - 4:35 PM | 3 minutes

 Authors: Isabelle Brunette 1, Michèle Mabon1, Akram Rahal2, Isabelle Hardy1, Alex Camacho1, Lamia Ammarkhodja3, Nora Cherifi3, Jean Meunier4.  1Centre Universitaire d’Ophtalmologie de l’Université de Montréal à l’Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2Division of Otolaryngolo...

5:00 PM - 5:03 PM | 3 minutes

 Authors: Alison K. Banwell 1, Jacob Cook2, Luke Northey3, Gregory Moloney3.  1Queen's University, 2New South Wales Ministry of Health, 3University of British Columbia.Author Disclosures: A.K. Banwell:  None.  J. Cook:  None.  L. Northey:  None.  G. Moloney:   All oth...

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