SAP: Ocular Trauma: Save an Eye & Save a Life
My Session Status
This course will have 2 aims:
1) to allow participants to review the principles of ocular trauma and discuss cases and receive feedback.
2) To review literature and interventions on domestic violence as it pertains to ophthalmology, where many of these injuries originate, and strategies for the ophthalmologist to become more aware of and comfortable discussing these issues with patients.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Appropriately assess a trauma patient and make a comprehensive plan from initial consultation to surgery to post-operative management.
- Describe the scope of domestic violence and how it pertains to ocular trauma and ocular injuries.
- Increase physician and other health care provider comfort with these presentations and discuss strategies to discuss these issues with patients.
CanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Communicator, Collaborator, Health Advocate, Professional
Advance registration is required.
Registration is open to: any practicing ophthalmologist, resident, medical student, orthoptist, or affiliated paramedical staff
Max. 80 participants
Fee: $50