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Cataract I: Back to Basics

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11:15 AM, Friday 20 Jun 2025 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Explore the preoperative process.
  2. Discuss the fundamentals of cataract surgery.
  3. Explore what is new and what has remained unchanged.


CanMEDS: Medical Expert; Scholar

Sub Sessions

11:40 AM - 11:45 AM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Steve Arshinoff, Runjie Bill Shi, Brenda TaoAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Steve Arshinoff: Alcon, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, BVI, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Bohus Biotech, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Rayner, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, carl Zeiss Meditech, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees; Runjie Bill Shi: none; Brenda Tao: noneAbstract BodyPurpose:To determine the...

11:45 AM - 11:50 AM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Sarah Patterson, Davin Johnson, Tom GonderAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Sarah Patterson, none; Davin Johnson, none; Tom Gonder, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: Routine use of corneal and retinal/optic nerve imaging is increasingly standard of care for patients undergoing consultation for cataract surgery, with prior reports indicating high disease detection rates. Our study assessed the effectiveness of these screen...

12:10 PM - 12:15 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Angelica Hanna, Jake Armstrong, Efstathia Tsioros, Cindy Hutnik, Iqbal "Ike" AhmedAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Angelica Hanna, none; Jake Armstrong, none; Efstathia Tsioros, none; Cindy Hutnik, none; Iqbal "Ike" Ahmed, noneAbstract BodyPurpose:Cataract surgery is widely performed globally, with recent major advancements improving techniques and outcomes. Sedation practices vary, with centers providing intrave...

12:15 PM - 12:20 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Lindsay Ong-ToneAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Lindsay Ong-Tone, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: This will be the seventeenth annual survey on the practice patterns of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS) members in cataract surgery. Study Design: Web based Methods: This survey will be conducted in January 2025 when an e-mail with a link to Red Cap will be sent to all the COS members who have indicated that th...

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