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EDI from the Patient Perspective: Understanding and Addressing Vision Disparities

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4:15 PM, Friday 20 Jun 2025 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. To understand how different patient populations experience vision impairment and eye disease due to structural and identity-based factors.
  2. Take meaningful action to address vision inequities among diverse patient populations.

CanMEDS: Health Advocate

Sub Sessions

5:15 PM - 5:21 PM | 6 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Shanone Dhanji, Kirk Stephenson, Kevin Gregory-Evans, Olubayo Kolawale, Cheryl Gregory-EvansAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Shanone Dhanji, none; Kirk Stephenson, none; Kevin Gregory-Evans, none; Olubayo Kolawale, none; Cheryl Gregory-Evans, noneAbstract BodyBackground: Inherited retinal degenerations (IRD) are clinically heterogeneous. The influence of ethnicity has not been clearly reported in IRD. 

5:22 PM - 5:28 PM | 6 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Tyler Herod, Sarah Jennings, Victoria Taylor, Anuradha MishraAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Tyler Herod, none; Sarah Jennings, none; Victoria Taylor, none; Anuradha Mishra, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: It is well understood that individuals living with vision impairment face unique barriers in accessing health care. While there has been recent emphasis to prioritize accessible and equitable healthcare for all, hea...

5:29 PM - 5:35 PM | 6 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Mostafa Bondok, Mostafa Bondok, Brendan Tao, Christopher Hanson, GurkaranSarohia, Edsel IngAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Mostafa Bondok, none; Mostafa Bondok, none; Brendan Tao, none;Christopher Hanson, none; Gurkaran Sarohia, none; Edsel Ing, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: Indigenous Canadians experience inequities in eye care. A review of ophthalmic health inequities may identify disparities and ...

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