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neuro-ophtalmologie I

Mon statut pour la session

Talk | Exposé
10:45 AM, Dimanche 12 Juin 2022 (1 heure 30 minutes)
Dîner dans la salle d’exposition   12:15 PM à 01:30 PM (1 heure 15 minutes)

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the clinical and radiographic features of typical and atypical optic neuritis
  • Review the investigation and treatment of typical and atypical optic neuritis

CanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Collaborator

Dr. Jacinthe Rouleau


Julie Falardeau MD

Invité.e d'honneur

Sous sessions

10:45 AM - 10:47 AM | 2 minutes

Dr. Jacinthe Rouleau

10:47 AM - 11:17 AM | 30 minutes

Julie Falardeau MD

Invité.e d'honneur
11:17 AM - 11:27 AM | 10 minutes
11:27 AM - 11:34 AM | 7 minutes

Authors: Etienne Benard-Seguin, Abdullah Al-Ani, Fiona Costello.Author Disclosure Block: A. Al-Ani: Funded grants or clinical trials; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Fighting Blindness Canada, Neuro Nexus. E. Benard-Seguin: Funded grants or clinical trials; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Fighting Blindness Canada, Neuro Nexus, North American Neuro- Ophthalmology Society. F. Costello: ...

Etienne Benard-Seguin

11:34 AM - 11:41 AM | 7 minutes

Authors: Deeksha Kundapur, Noran Badeeb, Danah Albreiki. Author Disclosure Block: D. Kundapur: None. N. Badeeb: None. D. Albreiki: None.Purpose: Some of the most common associations of demyelinating optic neuritis (ON) include multiple sclerosis related (MS-ON), neuromyelitis optica (NMO), myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein ON (MOG-ON), and idiopathic ON. The onset of ON in a population demonstrates some degree of seas...

Deeksha Kundapur

11:41 AM - 11:48 AM | 7 minutes

Authors: Hayet Boudjani, Giulia Fadda, Gabrielle Dufort, Jack Antel, Paul Giacomini, Myriam Levesque-Roy, Maryam Oskoui, Pierre Duquette, Alexandre Prat, Rose-Marie Rebillard, Inge Meijer, Elana Pinchefsky, Cam-Tu Emilie Nguyen, Elsa Rossignol, Jacinthe Rouleau, Oliver Blanchard, Nicole Khairallah, Philippe Beauchemin, Anne-Marie Trudelle, Emmanuelle Lapointe, Catherine Larochelle, Alexander Saveriano. Author Disclosure Block: H. Boudjani: Members...

Gabrielle Dufort

11:48 AM - 11:55 AM | 7 minutes
LauréatNeuro-ophtalmologiePremier prix, Prix d'excellence de la SCO

First Prize, COS Awards of Excellence in Ophthalmic Research Authors: Henry Liu, William Sultan, Kashif Iqbal, Valerio Carelli, Chiara LaMorgia, Patrick Yu-Wai Man, Piero Barboni, Alfredo Sadun, Rustum Karanjia. Author Disclosure Block: H. Liu: None. W. Sultan: None. K. Iqbal: None. V. Carelli: None. C. LaMorgia: None. P. Man: None. P. Barboni: None. A. Sadun: None. R. Karanjia: None.

Dr. Henry Liu MD

12:02 PM - 12:15 PM | 13 minutes

Mon statut pour la session


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