Oculoplastie III
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CanMEDS: Expert médical, Leader
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Author’s Name(s): David JordanAuthor’s Disclosure Block: David Jordan, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a psychiatric disturbance with a high incidence in aesthetic clinical settings. Early recognition may avoid unnecessary elective procedures with ethical and medicolegal consequences. The Purpose: of this paper is to describe the dysmorphic Concern Questionnaire (DCQ), its usefulness for the asses...
Author’s Name(s): Vladimir KratkyAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Vladimir Kratky, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: Eye trauma is estimated to account for 20 per cent of all injuries in modern warfare. Due to widespread bombing and shelling in Ukraine, there are many patients with extensive facial injuries, including loss of eyes, and eyelid and orbital deformities, with complexity and extent not seen in peace-time accidents. This is a s...
Author’s Name(s): Karim Punja, Antonio Florido, Michael T Kryshtalskyj, Carson SchellAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Karim Punja, Clarion Medical Technologies Employment/honoraria/consulting fees, Clarion Medical Technologies, Employment/honoraria/consulting fees; Antonio Florido, none; Michael T Kryshtalskyj, none; Carson Schell, Abbvie. ConsultantAbstract BodyPurpose:This study aims to share the experience of Canadian surgeons ...