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Topical Infliximab Eye Drops as a Treatment for Corneal Melting - 5645

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12:05 PM, Dimanche 22 Juin 2025 (10 minutes)
Author’s Name(s): Dominique Geoffrion, MArie-Claude Robert, Samir Jabbour, Soumaya Bouhout

Author’s Disclosure Block: Dominique Geoffrion, none; MArie-Claude Robert, EBSCO Health - employee, Bausch & Lomb, Valeo pharma, Santen - speaker, Abbvie, Sun Pharma- consultant; Samir Jabbour, none; Soumaya Bouhout, none

Abstract Body
Purpose: To report the outcomes of patients with corneal melting treated with topical infliximab eye drops. Study Design: Open-label non randomized clinical trial(NCT02987686) Methods: Six patients with sterile corneal melting were enrolled to receive topical infliximab 10 mg/mL eye drops four times per day for two month. Negative corneal cultures for bacterial and fungi were required prior to initiation of topical infliximab. Standard treatment of corneal melt were allowed as per surgeon preference. Participants were followed at1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14 et 16 weeks after initiation of infliximab therapy. Clinical evaluation, anterior segment optical coherence tomography and ocular surface disease index questionnaires were used to monitor treatment response. The main outcome measure was the occurence of adverse events. Results: Six patients with sterile corneal melting due to peripheral ulcerative keratopathy (n=3), chemical burn with focal limbal stem cell deficiency (n=1), Boston keratoprosthesis-related corneal melt (n=1) andpresumed neurotrophic etiology (n=1) were recruited. The infliximab eye drop was well tolerated and led to stabilization of corneal thinning and reepithelialization in all patients. There were no serious adverse events while patients were using topical infliximab eyedrops. One patient developped uveitis after infliximab cessation. Conclusions: Topical infliximab is a well-tolerated treatment options in patients with sterile corneal melt.

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