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The analytical possibilities through cultural, social and historical Psychology in a research and training approach - The subjective dimension of education processes

1.4 Interventionist research approaches and their roots
Paper in a Symposium (Symp)
4:20 PM, Tuesday 29 Aug 2017 (30 minutes)
Social and historical psychology, specifically the education psychology, has significantly helped creating knowledge about education processes. Mediated by theoretical and methodological skeleton of the materialism setting it and its cascadings performed by the precursors of social and historical psychology, it has been possible to study processes or situations beyond the looks, in order to explain the several relationships involved in it, considering the radical need to understand the genesis of the constitutive mediation of the relationships involved and, furthermore, in the case of our investigations, the understanding of the subjective dimension in objectivity. It is important to state it is only possible upon the non dichotomizing - but dialectic - perspective between objectivity and subjectivity. When we refer to the subjective dimension of educational processes, we understand the historical dynamics puts subjective and objective dimension in constant interaction, in a flow where one constitutes the other, one does not exist without the other. Therefore, we point to the importance of learning this chain of values, meanings and subjective experiences, here historically and socially constituted, which base and guide the educational processes. For a better explanation of the Reality Subjective Dimension category, we will discuss a few Historical and Dialectical Materialism categories (history, mediation and contradictions) and Cultural Historical and Social Psychology categories (activity, meanings, subjectivity, subjective dimension of the reality), for understanding they are used for the formulation provided herein. To conclude, we will present some of the research results evidencing the explanatory value of such categories. 
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
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