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ABS124 - Hot issues in dialogic pedagogy

2.6 Dialogue and the co-construction of knowledge
Paper in a Working Group Roundtable (WGRT)
5:00 PM, Mercredi 30 Août 2017 (1 heure)
Convention Center - 2000 A - Table C
The purpose of this roundtable is to discuss hot issues currently emerging in Dialogic Pedagogy. It seems to us that Dialogic Pedagogy has a rather complex relationship with sociocultural and sociohistorical approaches -- a topic that in itself can become an interest of this roundtable. The format of this roundtable will be open and democratic. To facilitate this process among us, the organizers of the roundtable, and the rest of the participants of the roundtable, we develop a list of hot topics that are of our interest. Our roundtable participants can select topics from the list to discuss them and/or propose their own topics. In anticipation of diversity and conflicts of the participants’ interests, we plan to engage the participants in democratic decision making about how to select the topics of their interest in discussion, how long to stay on a topic, who and how will make these decisions, how to make all these decisions, and so on.

Independent Scientific-Methodological Centre of Developmental Education
Detail de session
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