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ABS166 - Inner speech as a public phenomenon: Revisiting the person - culture interaction like a basis of cognitive development

1.1 Social, cultural, linguistic and educational mediation
11:00 AM, Mardi 29 Août 2017 (20 minutes)
This work shows a theoretical articulation of inner speech as meaning construction space. For this, a systematization of inner speech of Vygotsky (1934) and the model of hyper-generalization of Valsiner (2006) - based on pleromatization and schematization processes - is reviewed. I conclude that inner speech is a context of meaning construction in the inner experience that integrates schematic and pleromatic function, increasing and decreasing the complexity. The integration of both processes generates a field of meaning hyper-generalized that express the complexity of the original experience and transforming process these signs in iconic and metaphoric gestures in nonverbal behavior. A relationship between pleromatization, physiognomization and metaphoricity as phenomena – holistic, whole, organismic – that are integrated into the perception and construction of human experience, is established. On the other hand, a direct relationship between schematization, geometrical-technical perception and iconicity as another dimension – objectified, particularistic and cognitive – of making sense in human experience, is established. Inner speech is a complex phenomenon of genetic pathways in opposite directions: from the expression of the deeper states of consciousness and from the internalization of socially constructed meanings. Deep states are mediated by deploying internalized meanings within language that acts as a border zone between inner experience and the social and cultural environment.
Universidad del Desarrollo
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