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ABS297 - Conceptualizing teacher knowledge as mediating tools

2.7 Other topics related to Theme 2
10:50 AM, Vendredi 1 Sep 2017 (20 minutes)
Despite many research studies, the questions of what teachers need to know, how they should learn it and what it means to “be qualified” for teaching science still do not have clear answers. One of the dominant models among science teacher preparation is Shulman's model with its two main components, science content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. Currently, in many teacher preparation programs, the pedagogical content knowledge often is presented as a finished product where teachers in training come to adopt this knowledge and apply it in their practice. Teachers neither see themselves contributing to this knowledge nor transforming the current ones. Moreover, there is a little or no attention to students’ motives and goals as foundation of pedagogical content knowledge. The aim of this study is to develop an alternative model of knowledge for teaching science that (1) claims knowledge is a tool that teachers can use, modify or transform during their teaching practice, and (2) place students’ needs, motives and prior knowledge at the heart of teachers’ practice including design and implementation of curriculum. This paper is part of a doctoral dissertation that is taking place within a pedagogy course in a graduate teacher education program. The course has been designed around a new learning process called transformative reflection and Change Lab methodology. The guiding question for this study is: what tools (or ideas) teachers create to guide their teaching and future teacher development as a function of their work in the course?
New York University
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