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ABS405 - The empirical study of attitude to educational activity among students of different ages

1.3 Learning, knowledge and agency
11:40 AM, Mardi 29 Août 2017 (20 minutes)
Midday Meal   12:00 PM à 01:30 PM (1 heure 30 minutes)
We investigated an attitude to educational activity among students of different ages: children of primary school, teenagers, senior pupils. We used questionnaires, sentence completion tests and case study. Also, we made the original questionnaire “Sense of Agency”. 
Sense of agency is considered as an active and awareness attitude of a student to education. This understanding is based on theoretical concepts of the cultural-historical psychology of L.S. Vygotsky about the connection between education and development, on child-adult collaboration, and also on the experience of the practical help to the students in overcoming learning difficulties on the basis of reflective-activity approach. 
331 students completed the questionnaire and other meаsures. Research data allows to draw conclusions about the peculiarities of the attitude of students in relation to education, and its age dynamics. Factor analysis supported the use of three–factor solution, identified three scales describing different types of relationship to education: the sense of agency, the object attitude, the negative attitude. Additional analysis revealed another type - passive attitude of some students. It was discovered that a degree of sense of agency decreased from younger school age to senior school and severity of negative position increases. 
We found a link between the educational environment and severity of sense of agency. Additionally, we described special arrangements for germination and developing a sense of agency such as: child-adult collaboration, cooperative activity in Zone of Proximal Development and child’s self-reflection about its way of activity and its attitude. 
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE)
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