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ABS054 - Perezhivanie as a phenomenon and a unit of analysis for studying children’s interactions with iPads in the early years of school in Saudi Arabia - Board 2

1.2 Children’s development and childhood
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11:00 AM, Mercredi 30 Août 2017 (1 heure)
In Saudi Arabia a lack of studies into the use of touch devices in a learning setting, such as iPads, is evident. Little appears to be known about the impact of these devices on children’s socioemotional outcomes. The general literature has focused on the use of complex software, how children use digital devices, perform corresponding interactions, and how children’s actions are shaped by the imaginary situations that arise during digital play. Although different behaviours could be expected with complex software, only simple software has been examined in the Saudi Arabian context. In this context, the children’s interactions with simple iPad software were observed, along with the dramatic effect that such software had on children when digital devices were introduced into educational settings. Data were collected from a grade one class in a public primary school in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Children aged 5.5-6 years were observed, and their teacher interviewed. Vygotsky’s (1994) concept of Perezhivanie has been used to analyse the children’s interactions with the iPad software. The study noted how children’s behaviour changed, and how emotional behaviours emerged. This poster will present the results of a natural experiment on different behavioural patterns and argues for the use of perezhivanie both as a phenomenon to understand emotional changes in children and as a unit of analysis to determine the extent and type of change. This study contributes to scholarship in relation to perezhivanie as phenomenon and as a unit of analysis in the study of digital devices use in Saudi Arabia.
Monash University
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