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ABS121 - Resilience and resistance in the school-to-prison nexus: A narrative study - Board 16

2.3 The social construction of [dis]ability and difference/homogeneity
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11:00 AM, Mercredi 30 Août 2017 (1 heure)
Interrupting the school-to-prison pipeline in education calls for collaboration between educators, researchers, the community, and students. This qualitative study examines the life of an individual with experiences on the school-to-prison pipeline, a metaphorical representation of a complex nexus that identifies, targets, and moves students from classrooms to courtrooms to jail cells. These students include a disproportionately large number of African-American students. Through interviews and analyses, we present the narratives of a male, African American college student’s experiences moving in and out of multiple homes, schools, and a variety of spaces in the penal system. Implications focus on ways we can interrupt the practices, power, and pedagogies that keep the nexus in motion.
Georgia State University
Georgia State University
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