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ABS424 - Practice of teachers’ training on the basis of the ideas of cultural and historical psychology of L. S. Vygotsky

1.3 Learning, knowledge and agency
11:20 AM, Mardi 29 Août 2017 (20 minutes)
In Russia, new standards of education, which are built in many respects on the basis of the ideas of cultural and historical psychology, are accepted. It is natural that there has occurred a question of modernization of vocational training of the teacher who would not simply listen to or read about these ideas, but would work out their practical way of realization in their everyday practice, self-reflect this experience, embody trial action with children, and self-reflect it again. As the basic ideas of L.S. Vygotsky and his school of sciences, the basis of the concept of modernization of pedagogical education was formed through the following concepts: the development as mastering the culture; the concept of age and logics of an age periodization; a ratio of training and development in a zone of the next development; the change of a social situation of development and crises of a growing; the roundabout ways of development; the causal biography; cultural mediation of the development of the highest mental functions; etc. The fundamental principles of modernization of pedagogical education are the following: logics of creation of education "from an action to a thought" (a practical action with its video fixing – the criteria analysis of this action – the development of the theory describing action mechanisms – the following level of practical action) and social constructivism as the leading way of activity in the situation of uncertainty and variability. The experience of introduction of this model (about 2000 people) within three years has shown its efficiency. 
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