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ABS073 - Speech Assessment in the framework of cultural-historical theory

1.2 Children’s development and childhood
Paper in a Working Group Roundtable (WGRT)
3:50 PM, Mardi 29 Août 2017 (1 heure)
Convention Center - 2000 A - Table A
The cultural-historical approach assigns a leading role to speech in the higher mental function’s development. The effectiveness of psycho-correction work, and in general the possibility of changing the type of development, if the deviation has been identified in infancy or early childhood, depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis of speech development.
Our theoretical and empirical data illustrate the existence of three lines in the speech development from birth: physiological, psychophysiological and psychological.
We identified features and regularities in the development of speech as a psychological mediator which allows for a new approach to the understanding of the characteristics of mental and personal development in the early stages of ontogeny, as well as purposeful development or, if necessary, correction.
Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow
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