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ABS379 - "Vygotsky’s notebooks. A selection", edited by Ekaterina Zavershneva and René van der Veer (2017).

Book presentation
15 minutes
This is a fundamental edition of previously unpublished manuscripts that summarizes the results of the first systematic study of Vygotsky’s family archive. The notebooks and scientific diaries gathered in this volume represent all periods of Vygotsky’s scientific life. The volume begins with the earliest manuscript found in the archive, entitled "The tragicomedy of strivings" (1912), and ends with his last note, entitled "Pro domo sua" (1934), written shortly before his death. The notes reveal unknown aspects of the eminent psychologist’s personality, show his aspirations and interests, and allow us to follow the development of his thinking from inside, thus showing its inner dynamics. The scientific diaries reflect in particular the plans that Vygotsky could not realize during his lifetime (e.g., the theory of emotions, a general psychological theory of consciousness, etc.), and clarify a number of questions that suggest themselves while reading his published works.

The editors of the book will hold a presentation showing photographs from Vygotsky’s family archive.
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE)
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