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ABS197 - Expanding coteaching as agency emergence: practices in science teacher education context

2.7 Other topics related to Theme 2
Paper in a Working Group Roundtable (WGRT)
3:50 PM, Mercredi 30 Août 2017 (1 heure)
Convention Center - 2000 A - Table C
The concept of coteaching is generally known as the practice of two or more teachers sharing a teaching activity in the same classroom. In this case, collaboration among them is mandatory to achieve the educational goals. Nevertheless, in this work, we aim to expand the concept of coteaching proposing an expanded coteaching as a triad intern-teacher-student's collaboration and coordination of actions rather than the dyad intern-teachers. In the context of the practicum, the expanded coteaching is evident when pre-services teachers’ initiation takes place throughout supervised teaching practices at High Schools. We developed this research in the context of a Physics Teacher Education Program, in a physics teaching course designed to pre-service teachers’ practice at High Schools. This is a qualitative-based research grounded on the Cultural Historical Activity Theory perspective whose subjects are the High School supervisor teacher, the intern, and the students. The methodology consists in videotaping the intern's practicum at high school classes in order to analyze the discursive interactions among the subject (triad) of the teaching-learning activity. The triad is the subject of the teaching-learning activity – the expanded coteaching. The expanded coteaching activity brings up a new labor distribution, when the intern teaching agency emerges, changing his position from a university student to a teacher in the classroom. The new division of labor mediates the school community and the object of the educational activity as well new rules emerge mediating subjects and school community when an emergent teacher comes up from his interactions with supervisor and students.
Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca, Campus Petrópolis
University of São Paulo
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