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Lundi 28 Août, 2017

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
8:00 AM
8:00 AM

Pavillon J. A. De Sève, Université Laval (PhD Day only, August 28th 2017) - DES 0129-0127-0134

PhD Day

Test (Participant.e)

8:30 AM
8:30 AM

Pavillon J. A. De Sève, Université Laval (PhD Day only, August 28th 2017) - DES 0129-0127-0134

PhD Day

Dr. Nikolai Veresov, Monash University, Australia (Modérateur.rice)

In the PhD Students’ Day, special attention will be given to the PhD thesis, focusing on the different phases of doctoral research. There will be s...
8:45 AM
8:45 AM

Convention Center - 205BC

Preconference Workshop

Graciela Quinteros, Autonomous Metropolitan University (Autre participant.e)

Graciela Quinteros, Autonomous Metropolitan University (Modérateur.rice)

Dr. Mariane Hedegaard, Copenhagen University (Participant.e)

Dr. Marilyn Fleer, Monash University (Participant.e)

We are hosting a one-day pre-conference event to be part of the ISCAR Congress 2017 activities in Quebec. The program will involve presentations...
9:00 AM
9:00 AM

Convention Center - 2101

Preconference Workshop

Dr. Barbara Rogoff, University of California, Santa Cruz (Participant.e)

Dr. Barbara Rogoff, University of California, Santa Cruz (Modérateur.rice)

Dr. Ruth Paradise, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzadas (Autre participant.e)

Dr. Rebeca Mejia-Arauz, Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESO) University (Participant.e)

Dr. Amy Dexter, Roosevelt University (Modérateur.rice)

Dr. Kris Gutiérrez, University of California Berkeley (Autre participant.e)

Dr. Amy Dexter, Roosevelt University (Participant.e)

Dr. Rebeca Mejia-Arauz, Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESO) University (Modérateur.rice)

Ms. Eva Itzel Aceves Azuara, University of California Santa Cruz (Participant.e)

Dr. Lucia Alcala, California State University Fullerton (Participant.e)

Dr. Paula Alonqueo, Universidad de La Frontera (Participant.e)

Alissa Baker-Oglesbee (Participant.e)

Megan Bang (Participant.e)

Bruce Forrest (Participant.e)

Marie-Noelle Chamoux (Participant.e)

Dr. Andrew Coppens, University of New Hamphire (Participant.e)

Dr. Maricela Correa-Chavez, California State University, Long Beach (Participant.e)

Kiyomi Sánchez-Suzuki Colegrove (Participant.e)

Andy Dayton (Participant.e)

Emma Elliott-Groves (Participant.e)

Dr. Susana Frisancho, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Participant.e)

Javiera Gutiérrez (Participant.e)

Rich Henne-Ochoa (Participant.e)

Deira Jiménez (Participant.e)

Dr. Ulrike Keyser, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Participant.e)

Maribel Loncón (Participant.e)

Loreto Parada (Participant.e)

Luis Lam (Participant.e)

Angélica López (Participant.e)

David Lorente Fernández (Participant.e)

Ananda Marin (Participant.e)

Dr. Margarita Martínez-Pérez, University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas (UNICACH) (Participant.e)

Meixi (Participant.e)

Ms. Rebeca Muñoz, Universidad de La Frontera (Participant.e)

Bryan Salgado (Participant.e)

Dr. Luis Urrieta, University of Texas at Austin (Participant.e)

Benigno Vicente (Participant.e)

Jorge Villalba (Participant.e)

Jenn Adair, LOPI (Participant.e)

Marjorie Murray, LOPI (Participant.e)

Edward Rivero, LOPI (Participant.e)

Karen Villegas, LOPI (Participant.e)

Arturo Cortez, LOPI (Participant.e)

Elizabeth Mendoza, University of California, Santa Cruz (Participant.e)

This preconference workshop examines theory and research on a cultural tradition in which people learn by observing and pitching in to endeavors...

Convention Center - 205 A

Preconference Workshop

Dr. Anna Stetsenko, The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY) (New York, NY, United States) (Modérateur.rice)

Dr. Eduardo Vianna, LaGuardia Community College- City University of New York (CUNY) (Modérateur.rice)

This pre-conference workshop offers opportunities to critically examine how theory and research can push the boundaries to centrally integrate t...
1:30 PM
1:30 PM

Convention Center - 2103

Preconference Workshop

Elizabeth Charles, Dawson College (Participant.e)

This workshop offers opportunities to learn about and explore professional development tools and resources developed by a community of practice, SA...
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