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Vendredi 1 Septembre, 2017

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
5 heures, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Convention Center - Hall

8:30 AM
8:30 AM

Convention Center - 2000 A

Open Discussion of a Shared Problem (OD-SP)

9:30 AM
9:30 AM

Convention Center - 2000 A

Open Discussion of a Shared Problem (OD-SP)

OD-SP Group Members (Participant.e)

Thérèse Laferrière, Université Laval (Modérateur.rice)

Dr. Marlene Scardamalia, IKIT at OISE/UT (Participant.e)

Convention Center - 204 B

Symposium (Symp)

Dr. Malcolm Reed, University of Bristol, UK (Modérateur.rice)

Dr. Alain Breuleux, McGill University (Participant.e)

Dr. Malcolm Reed, University of Bristol, UK (Participant.e)

Dr. Martijn van Schaik, Meester! onderwijs inzicht | Fontys University of Applied Sciences | NCOI University (Participant.e)

The problem here addresses the identification and interpretation of visual data, specifically to conceptualise instruction within pedagogy (Cole, 2...

Convention Center - 2104 B

Symposium (Symp)

Dr. Mohamed Elhammoumi, Department of Psychology - United Arab Emirates University - UAE (Modérateur.rice)

Dr. Newton Duarte, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) (Participant.e)

Dr. Mohamed Elhammoumi, Department of Psychology - United Arab Emirates University - UAE (Participant.e)

Dr. Marilene Proença, University of São Paulo (Participant.e)

This symposium assumes the on-going relevance of Vygotsky’s contributions to education and aims to continue the development of the legacy of Vygots...

Convention Center - 2000 B

Symposium (Symp)

Dr. Anne Edwards, University of Oxford (Emerita) (Modérateur.rice)

Dr. Nick Hopwood, University of Technology Sydney (Participant.e)

Dr. Annalisa Sannino, University of Helsinki (Participant.e)

Dr. Yrjö Engeström, University of Helsinki (Participant.e)

Dr. Prabhat Rai, Ambedkar University (Participant.e)

Dr. Marilyn Fleer, Monash University (Participant.e)

Dr. Iris Duhn, Monash University (Participant.e)

Dr. Hanna Toiviainen, University of Tampere (Participant.e)

Dr. Mariane Hedegaard, Copenhagen University (Participant.e)

Cultural-historical approaches to learning and work are usually premised in Leontiev’s precept that “society produces the activity of the individua...

Convention Center - 205 A

Symposium (Symp)

Dr. Sueli Fidalgo, Federal University of São Paulo (Participant.e)

Dr. Sueli Fidalgo, Federal University of São Paulo (Modérateur.rice)

Ms. Márcia Honora, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil (Participant.e)

Mrs. Eliane da Silva, Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP (Participant.e)

Mrs. Lucineide Pinheiro Machado, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP (Participant.e)

In broad terms, the papers focus on the exclusion-inclusion dichotomy, discussing the extent to which schools have been promoting inclusive educati...

Convention Center - 205 B

Symposium (Symp)

Dr. Peter Jones, Sheffield Hallam University (Modérateur.rice)

Dr. Fernando González Rey, University Center of Brasilia/ University of Brasilia (Participant.e)

Dr. Peter Jones, Sheffield Hallam University (Participant.e)

Dr. Ines Langemeyer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Participant.e)

Dr. Anna Stetsenko, The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY) (New York, NY, United States) (Participant.e)

Four contributors enter into dialogue, each with a different perspective on Vygotsky’s legacy and its contemporary significance. Together, the pape...

Convention Center - 2104 A

Symposium (Symp)

Kevin Leander, Peabody College (Autre participant.e)

Dr. Jaakko Hilppö, Northwestern University (Modérateur.rice)

Kay Ramey, Northwestern University (Participant.e)

Dr. Flavio Azevedo, University of Texas at Austin (Participant.e)

Dr. Ty Hollett, Penn State University (Participant.e)

This symposium brings together four converging perspectives on interest, interest-driven learning and interest development. Building on a common se...

Convention Center - 2101

Symposium (Symp)

Chris Siry, Université du Luxembourg (Autre participant.e)

Dr. Shukla Sikder, Charles Sturt University (Modérateur.rice)

Yijun Hao, Monash University (Participant.e)

Ms. Judith Gomes, Monash University (Participant.e)

Anamika Devi, Monash University (Participant.e)

Dr. Shukla Sikder, Charles Sturt University (Participant.e)

In the last three decades, play has been identified as a key research area in relation to children’s learning and development. However, understandi...
PS 37: School leadership and teacher learning
2 heures, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Convention Center - 2103

Paper Session (PS)

Dr. Ruth Jensen, University of Oslo (Participant.e)

Dr. Kirsten Foshaug Vennebo, University of Oslo (Participant.e)

Dr. Lausanne Olvitt, Rhodes University, Environmental Learning Research Centre (Participant.e)

Tatiana Yakubovskaya, Moscow State Pedagogical Univeristy (Participant.e)

Dr. Tatiana Kovaleva, Moscow Pedagogical State University (Participant.e)

Dr. Barbara Brown, University of Calgary (Participant.e)

Sharon Friesen, University of Calgary (Participant.e)

Claire Lapointe, Université Laval (Participant.e)

Lyse Langlois, Université Laval (Participant.e)

Convention Center - 2105

Paper Session (PS)

Dr. Ryoko Watanabe, Waseda University (Participant.e)

Dr. Adriane Cenci, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN (Participant.e)

Daniela Vilas Bôas, Profícere - Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Saber (Participant.e)

Mrs. Monica Lemos, University of Helsinki (Participant.e)

Magda Damiani, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (Participant.e)

Mr. Thomas Szulevicz, University of Aalborg (Participant.e)

Dr. Louise Bøttcher, Aarhus University (Participant.e)

Mrs. Miriam Moramay Micalco-Méndez, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi (Participant.e)

PS 44: Advances in teacher educator knowledge
2 heures, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Convention Center - 205 C

Paper Session (PS)

Dr. Alaster Douglas, University of Roehampton (Participant.e)

Dr. Ingrid Berglund, University of Gothenburg (Participant.e)

Dr. Thi Kim Anh Dang, Monash University (Participant.e)

Dr. Thomas de Lange, Department of Education, Univeristy of Oslo (Participant.e)

Dr. Anne Line Wittek, University of Oslo (Participant.e)

Ms. Pooneh Sabouri, New York University (Participant.e)

10:40 AM
10:40 AM
PS 38: Identity challenges
50 minutes, 10:40 AM - 11:30 AM

Convention Center - 204 A

Paper Session (PS)

Ms. Monique Verhoeven, University of Amsterdam (Participant.e)

Astrid Poorthuis, Utrecht University (Participant.e)

Mrs. Monique Volman, University of Amsterdam (Participant.e)

Marta Padrós Castells, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Participant.e)

Dr. José Luis Lalueza, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Participant.e)

Sònia Sánchez-Busqués, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Participant.e)

11:30 AM
11:30 AM
Closing Ceremony
30 minutes, 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Convention Center - 2000 B

Dr. Natalia Gajdamaschko, Simon Fraser University (Participant.e)

Dr. Fernand Gervais, Faculté des sciences de l'éducation, Université Laval (Modérateur.rice)

Dr. Malcolm Reed, University of Bristol, UK (Modérateur.rice)

Dr. Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur, University of British Columbia (Participant.e)

Dr. Luis Radford, Université Laurentienne (Participant.e)

Dr. Alex Levant, Wilfrid Laurier University (Participant.e)

Dr. Jrene Rahm, Université de Montréal (Participant.e)

Dr. Sylvie Barma, Université Laval (Participant.e)

In the role of Grands Témoins Canadian scholars point to key intellectual moments of the ISCAR 2017 Congress that made a difference in the...
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