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Is the Future Economy Circular?

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11:00 AM, Sunday 19 Jan 2020 (1 hour)
Lunch   12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (1 hour)
Esplanade Hotel Fremantle - Picard
Will we be using and consuming in very different ways in the future? Making better use of what we’ve already got? With modular buildings that are designed to be taken apart and repurposed, packaging made from biodegradable fungi and seaweed rather than petroleum, having most of our needs provided within revitalised local economies rather than a global market? What’s already happening in this space? What’s the Circular Economy? With countries like China refusing to take our garbage any more, and State governments writing Circular Economy strategies, we need to find ways to design products that reduce waste. How can we get there?

Dylan Lamb


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