Allison Brown
Sessions in which Allison Brown attends
Tuesday 7 November, 2023
Join Canadian GNSS manufacturer Eos Positioning Systems for an in-depth look at using the high-accuracy Arrow Gold+ GNSS Receiver with RTK corrections and Esri’s ArcGIS Field Maps.In this live and interactive presentation, you will learn how to do the following:1. Add GNSS metadata fields to ArcGIS Field Maps 2. Easily connect to the local RTK network to achieve real-time <2cm accuracy in the field 3. Collect high-accuracy data in the field according to best...
Wednesday 8 November, 2023
As part of Planet’s ethos of ‘agile aerospace’, we continually invest in the latest hardware and software advancements to improve the PlanetScope image quality. This dataset began life as a relatively simple 3-band image using commercial, ‘off-the-shelf’ hardware components. Through customer feedback, both software and hardware improvements were tested and launched, resulting in a second-generation of PlanetScope, or ‘Dove’ satellites. Replacing this second generation of satellites involved a...