Sessions in which David Gachuche participates
Monday 6 November, 2023
Step into the exciting realm of the inaugural GoGeomatics Expo in Calgary, a historic event that is set to make waves in Canada's geospatial sector. This compelling panel discussion will delve into the groundbreaking significance of this first-of-its-kind expo, exploring why it is a game-changer for both the public and private sectors, and how it charts a new course for the geospatial industry in Canada. This panel discussion takes place after the expo reception buffet. Participants must b...
Tuesday 7 November, 2023
The GoGeomatics Expo and our sponsors are proud to present the Diversity in Leadership Panel.As the common goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion become even more widespread, organizations have the daunting task of figuring out what works.It is our vision the expo will spur the grassroots of a more diverse ecosystem where diversity of thinking and knowledge w...