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The Evolution of Planetscope Data and the Application of Planetary Variables

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12:00 PM, Wednesday 8 Nov 2023 MST (25 minutes)
Big Four Roadhouse - Education & Workshop Theatre
Earth Observation Program
As part of Planet’s ethos of ‘agile aerospace’, we continually invest in the latest hardware and software advancements to improve the PlanetScope image quality. This dataset began life as a relatively simple 3-band image using commercial, ‘off-the-shelf’ hardware components. Through customer feedback, both software and hardware improvements were tested and launched, resulting in a second-generation of PlanetScope, or ‘Dove’ satellites. Replacing this second generation of satellites involved an entirely new imaging sensor and lens filters, enabling Planet to now deliver 8-spectral bands with the introduction of 3rd-generation satellites AKA ‘Superdoves’. Most recently, we have pursued a number of enhancements to ensure the clarity, consistency, and reliability of PlanetScope imagery, particularly for customers who are doing time series analysis. The first part of this demo will take a look at these improvements across PlanetScope generations and demonstrate the value of these incremental improvements to the customer.

Beyond pure data, Planet looks to move up the data stack from pixels to insights. Planetary Variables are a key part of this, and measure key phenomena on the Earth’s surface, enabled by a virtual constellation of Planet and public sensors. Planetary Variables include Soil Water Content, Land Surface Temperature and Crop Biomass, with more on the way. The second part of this demo will introduce the audience to Planetary Variables, how they can be interpreted and consumed, and how they provide value across different use-cases.

Who's Attending

Mustafa Abeidi
Department of Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
Michel Morgan
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)
Kehinde Adesina
Department of Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
Qiling Huang
CIty of Calgary
Oleh Kashuba
Mehad Haggag
Department of Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
Sara Richard
Geomatics Specialist
Kate Mai
Lead GIS Solutions Architect
HS GovTech Solutions Inc.
Juan Gomez
GIS Technician
Spencer Lobo
University of Calgary
Yuliya Yanush
Physical Scientist
Ujjal Baniya
Studying Master of Engineering in Geomatics Engineering at University of Calgary
University of Calgary
Felix Jaimes
Thinh Mai
GIS Analyst
ATCO Electric
Allison Brown
GIS Analyst
Trans Mountain
Jesse Mauch
Account Manager
Param Sanjaykumar Panchal
Department of Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
Hamza Azeem
Department of Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
Esther Li
GIS Analyst
Amresh Sharma
Studying Master of Engineering in Geomatics Engineering at University of Calgary
University of Calgary
Lowell Ayers
Geomatics Technician
Town of Cochrane
Rick Dixon
General Manager
Matrix Solutions Incorporated
Ariful Islam Anik
University of Calgary
Tek Kshetri
Department of Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
Matt Wilkinson
Senior GIS Analyst
Matrix Solutions (Montrose Environmental Group)

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