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Insights into High Performance Teams. Why the most Successful Teams are Coached

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12:00 PM, Tuesday 7 Nov 2023 MST (25 minutes)
Big Four Roadhouse - Theatre 3
Expo Leadership Program
Teams can become the catalyst to co-elevate results-driven organizations accelerate outcomes, unleash their full potential, and create unprecedented internal and external value. But it’s not a given!

In an increasingly volatile, uncertain, and non-linear Geomatics landscape, senior-level managers find it increasingly challenging to keep up and get things done – efficiently, effectively, and timely. The organizational silos have begun to come down, but often remain camouflaged behind leadership and change management rhetoric.  The reality for many companies around the mantra “we have to do more with less” has run its course. The question for EO and Geomatics companies is “What now?”

More and more organizations in a wide variety of industries, including Geomatics organizations, recognize effective high-performance teams are now central in dealing with the above-mentioned challenges. And when teams are supported by high impact team coaching, the outcome on the team’s ability to adapt and thrive is significantly higher. It’s no coincidence that the most successful high performing teams are coached, regardless of the level or organization.

The presentation will deconstruct the basics of a team, compare high performing teams to pseudo teams, and explore the importance of teamship and team culture. A team coaching model and structure will be peeled apart to illustrate how impactful team coaching differs from ‘curriculum team coaching’ and ‘group coaching’. We will then examine how is it that team coaching can have such a profound impact on team success - and on the whole organization.  A look at how team coaching fits within the spectrum of various services like consulting, facilitating, mentoring, advising, and 1:1 leadership coaching will also be covered.   

Ideally, you will come away with a clearer understanding of the conditions that need to be in place in your EO/Geomatics organization for a functional team to have any chance at being effective - as a starting point. New insights should surface into why team coaching is critical to unleashing collaboration, candor, conflict integrity, and generative interrelationships that drive team effectiveness.      

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