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Navigating The Digital Geospatial Revolution at Suncor

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11:00 AM, Tuesday 7 Nov 2023 MST (25 minutes)
Big Four Roadhouse - Theatre 3
Expo Leadership Program
Over his decade plus at Suncor, Alonzo has been both witness to and active participant in a quiet digital Geospatial revolution. This revolution has democratized access to Geospatial data and tools to everyone at Suncor. Which meant that teams and professionals across a myriad of disciplines have embraced and pushed the limits of Geospatial data and software. The constant demand for newer and higher-resolution data has relegated the paper map to secondary status as the tool for spatial communication. And as this process moves towards automation, near real-time information streaming and more machines, Geomatics will be there to help and guide the process.

But this journey has not been with its bumps and bruises along the way. So join Alonzo as he tells an entertaining tale on how Geomatics and Geospatial have radically changed at Suncor over the last decade...and get a glimpse into the future!

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