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Positioning for future headwinds: a new era of working with governments

Decorative image for session Positioning for future headwinds:  a new era of working with governments

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10:30 AM, Tuesday 7 Nov 2023 MST (1 hour)
Big Four Roadhouse - Education & Workshop Theatre
Geomatics for the Public Good
Over the past three decades, global and national economies have undergone profound transition while the governments that have tried to steer worldwide growth have been buffeted by profound changes in how citizens interact and feel about the level of services they receive.  That many of them are more empowered than ever by social media, which is often said to have hastened the growth of significant divides, speaks to the need of many governmental leader to stay in touch with prevailing thoughts and aspirations of citizens.  

These changes have fundamentally resculpted how government operates and, as we move toward new global alliances and economic pressures, old ways of doing business with government will need to change.  And, more importantly, the geospatial community will need to know how to navigate and advocate for both its collective priorities as well as for individual firm opportunities and funding.  

Join Prashant Shukle, a senior executive with over 40 years of political, governmental, private, and not-for-profit sector expertise highlight the significant issues that the geospatial and space community will face as they seek to operate in governmental environments that are experiencing dramatic structural (internal) change; undertaking service reform; and the broad range of funding opportunities available to geospatial communities.  


Who's Attending

Silpa Mandarapu
Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
Courtney Stevens
Field Technician and Researcher
Stevens Surveys
Andrew Harries
GIS Business Analyst
Alberta Energy Regulator
Christian Champagne
Land Surveyor in Training
Aplin Martin
Kate Mai
Lead GIS Solutions Architect
HS GovTech Solutions Inc.
Tek Kshetri
Department of Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
Kehinde Adesina
Department of Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
Thinh Mai
GIS Analyst
ATCO Electric
Joy Wang
University of Calgary
Shabnam Jabari
Associate Professor
University of New Brunswick
Nishath Ruksana .
Department of Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
micaela francese
Univeristy if Calgary
Catalina Barinas
Infrastructure Canada
Esther Li
GIS Analyst
Barry O'Rourke
Cindy Lu
Geospatial Business Specialist
The City of Calgary
Sara Richard
Geomatics Specialist
Renso Ronquillo
GIS Technologist
Alberta Government
Sydney St. Onge
Geomatics Technician
Town of Cochrane
Naman Agarwal
Department of Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
Hamza Azeem
Department of Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
Lowell Ayers
Geomatics Technician
Town of Cochrane
Param Sanjaykumar Panchal
Department of Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
Juan Rivera
Underhill Geomatics
Qiling Huang
CIty of Calgary

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