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Human Footprint Datasets for Alberta: Mapping and Monitoring in Support of Land and Resource Management

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9:45 AM, Tuesday 29 Oct 2024 (15 minutes)
Big Four Roadhouse - Theatre 2
Geomatics for the Public GoodHuman Footprint
The Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI) defines human footprint as the visible alteration or conversion of native ecosystems to temporary or permanent residential, recreational, agricultural, or industrial landscapes. It also includes land that is periodically reset to earlier successional conditions by industrial activities such as forestry harvest areas and seismic lines. To monitor and map human footprint across Alberta, the ABMI, in partnership with the Alberta Human Footprint Monitoring Program, has created the Human Footprint Inventory (HFI)—an open dataset, with an accompanying online status and trends report. Using 1.5 m SPOT satellite imagery interpretation and a multitude of reference data sources, the ABMI groups human footprint into 20 sublayers (based on 113 feature types) ranging from roads to well pads to create the HFI. In 2021, 31% of Alberta was human footprint occupied. This is a 4.3% increase in human footprint since 2000. Primary land use can differ based on the different regions of the province but agriculture was found to be the most dominant land use covering 21.1% of the province's total area. The HFI is used in a variety of ABMI biodiversity models such as the Intactness Index, which focuses on habitat connectivity, a series of ecosystem indicators including native cover, interior habitat, stream connectivity, and landscape connectivity. By updating this dataset annually, and making it freely available, the HFI is an asset used by researchers, government, and industry alike to support land-use management and other applications across the province.

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