The New Canadian Hydrospatial Network (CHN)

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Work is on-going to refine methods and tools for the creation of new (or conversion of existing) hydrological networks. Please join us for our presentation which will provide an overview of current CHN progress and plans for the future.
The CHN is developed by the GeoBase division within the Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (CCMEO) in Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). A collaborative and open-source approach is being taken for the development of tools, and the use of existing networks where possible, to create the CHN. Our collaborators include other CCMEO teams, Provincial / Territorial governments, other federal departments, the USGS (United States Geological Survey), and academia.
Leveraging the high-resolution products of the National Elevation Data Strategy (i.e. HRDEM) and GeoAI (i.e. surface water features detected from high-resolution optical imagery) where possible, the CHN aims to provide current and accurate hydrospatial data for various applications. For more information on the CHN please visit our website: