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Upgrading the Value of Your Data Using Geospatial Analysis

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11:00 AM, Tuesday 29 Oct 2024 (30 minutes)
Big Four Roadhouse - Theatre 3
Geomatics for the Public Good
Too often, when discussing the value proposition of geospatial data, we focus in on raw data or output products without spending a lot of time in the juicy middle of data throughputs.   That is to say that modern geospatial is leaving a lot of value on the table and thus limiting our ability to good with our data by: 

-> Focusing too heavily on the capturing aspect of geospatial technologies;
-> Ignoring or discounting analytical capabilities of geospatial technologies;
-> Ignoring the integrative aspects of geospatial technologies;
-> Ignoring the enormous market potential for geospatial byprodcuts of data development; and
-> Focusing too closely on the department whilst ignoring the organization

Because of these issues, I suggest that geospatial is still being perceived as discount, niche or both which limits both the scope of our abilities and growth of our industry.

To mitigate against this, and as a call to action, in my presentation, I discuss how geospatial can be used as a value upgrader for our clients and colleagues in the public sector.  I draw on some real world project experiences with a heavy focus on the incredible power of geospatial to use, reuse, interrogate, integrate and exponentiate data of all forms and stripes and varieties into wondrous and valuable outputs for local and regional governments.    Because this talk is primarily related to the public sector, I focus on how to upgrade administrative data (in this case property taxation records) into information that can address climate change, housing scarcity and distributional equity. Along the way I want to develop calls to action for data reuse and reintegration AND increased geospatial ethics as both are required to do better with our data.

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