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The new topologies of geospatial service delivery

Decorative image for session The new topologies of geospatial service delivery

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2:00 PM, Wednesday 15 May 2024 (30 minutes)
Ottawa Conference and Event Centre - Geospatial Leadership & AI
Geospatial AI
In the rapidly evolving geospatial industry, modern advancements in technology have paved the way for companies to offer geospatial data as a service, revolutionizing the way businesses approach and use geographic information. The advent of micro services to ultimately drive managed services has significantly reduced the necessity for dedicated in-house geospatial teams, providing a cost-effective and efficient solution for businesses of all sizes. In this presentation, Sparkgeo will explore the transformative impact of these innovations on the geospatial industry and demonstrate how businesses that embrace these opportunities are poised to scale more effectively. We will delve into the future of geospatial services and highlight the potential for growth and success in an increasingly data-driven world.

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