Wednesday 14 May, 2025
The Oceans cover more than 70% of our Planet… with offshore, near shore and coastal waters including rivers and lakes that are navigable or not.This Keynote Address will kick off the Hydrospatial Track on Day TWO of the GeoIgnite 2025 - Ottawa. The presentation will articulate the context and the timing of WHAT is HYDROSPATIAL in the global Geospatial community? SO WHAT is important to Measure, to Monitor an to Model? THEN WHAT is the Strategy, the Challenges, t...
Presenting the CHN and highlighting how its new features leverage advancements in hydrography to improve both water-related models and their applications to support decision making. The Canadian Hydrospatial Network (CHN) was officially launched this past May, marking a significant milestone in the development of hydrospatial networks in Canada. Over the past year, the network has expanded and grown in importance, positioning itself as a key resource for the future of its field. CHN continues...
In 1976 the Canadian Hydrographic Service was the first hydrographic agency to recognize and display a satellite-discovered feature on a nautical chart. This was the discovery of Landsat island off the coast of Labrador.In the time since the capabilities of satellites to survey coastal waters have grown exponentially yet the use of satellite based depth information on nautical charts has not. Satellite based surveying offers a multitude of benefits to the safety of operations, empowering ...
The successful implementation of the S-100 suite hinges on various factors, with final product specification and comprehensive testing of route monitoring layers being paramount. Canada is proposing an international designated area for these tests, underscoring its commitment to the S-100 suite's success and global maritime safety. Canada has selected the St-Lawrence River in Québec as the S-100 sea trial area for 2025. The trial aims to evaluate the S-100 system's ability to ingest and displ...
Aerial thermal infrared (TIR) surveys have been a crucial tool supporting river restoration project across the North America as many salmonid-bearing rivers are projected to warm in the coming decades due to increases in atmospheric temperatures and concomitant decreases and earlier melt of snowpack. The objectives of collecting TIR imagery are to assess the current summer thermal state and the distribution of cold-water refuges within the river system, and to identify opportunities and...