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Wade Larson - Founder & VP - UrtheCast, Talk:The UrtheDaily Mission: Daily Geoanalytics on a Global Scale

Industry Showcase: Next Level Geospatial Intelligence
2:30 PM, Wednesday 19 Jun 2019 (30 minutes)
Virtual Meeting Space - GoGeomatics Three
UrtheDaily will be a 6-satellite constellation to acquire scientific-grade quality, 9-band multispectral imagery, at 5-meter Ground Sampling Distance (GSD), of 92% the whole Earth’s landmass every day. The cloud-based, scientifically-calibrated processing system will produce Analytics Ready Data (ARD) for geoanalytics—machine learning and AI—to provide evidence-based, actionable insights for sustainable development strategies ranging from but not limited to agriculture, ecology, forestry, disaster management, climate change adaptation, and resource management.
Founder and Executive Vice-President, Business Development
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