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Talk: "Why is an AI company designing Canada's hydro database?" Minerva Intelligence's COO - Jake McGregor

Decorative image for session Talk: "Why is an AI company designing Canada's hydro database?" Minerva Intelligence's COO - Jake McGregor

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12:30 PM, Wednesday 21 Apr 2021 EDT (30 minutes)
Break   01:00 PM to 01:15 PM (15 minutes)
  Virtual session
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Over the past year, Minerva Intelligence, a Vancouver-based cognitive AI company, has been awarded two contracts with Natural Resources Canada to design schemas at a national level: the National Flood Hazard Data Layer (NFHDL) and the National Hydro Network V2 (NHNv2). You might be asking yourself why an AI company is designing and building these important database structures. Minerva's cognitive AI system makes use of semantically inoperable data in knowledge graphs and has designed systems to develop logically consistent taxonomic structures and capture the knowledge of human experts for use in computational systems. In this presentation Jake McGregor, Minerva’s COO will explain more about what 'knowledge engineering' is and why it makes Minerva uniquely qualified to design complex geospatial schemas for national-scale datasets.

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