Wednesday 21 April, 2021
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
GeoIgnite Welcome & Keynote: MDA and the Future of SAR - Dr. Minda Suchan, VP of Geointelligence
10:00 AM EDT -
10:30 AM EDT |
30 minutes
Talk: "The Geospatial Product Trap," SparkGeo's CEO - Will Cadell
10:45 AM EDT -
11:15 AM EDT |
30 minutes
Canada's DEM: The National Canadian Elevation Data Strategy Update from NRCan
11:30 AM EDT -
12:00 PM EDT |
30 minutes
Talk: "Why is an AI company designing Canada's hydro database?" Minerva Intelligence's COO - Jake McGregor
12:30 PM EDT -
1:00 PM EDT |
30 minutes
Optimizing and Accelerating the Globe in 3D
2:45 PM EDT -
3:15 PM EDT |
30 minutes
Thursday 22 April, 2021
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Keynote: Address by Vice-President of the Canadian Space Agency - Luc Brulé
10:00 AM EDT -
10:30 AM EDT |
30 minutes
Special Event: Fire Side Chat with Dr. Steve Liang, Founder & CTO of SensorUp & Dr. Nadine Alameh the OGC’s CEO
11:30 AM EDT -
12:00 PM EDT |
30 minutes
Lunch Keynote: "Why it Takes a Legion" MAXAR's Executive Vice President & CTO Dr. Walter Scott
12:00 PM EDT -
12:45 PM EDT |
45 minutes
Talk: Canadian Council on Geomatics - Fostering collaboration across jurisdictions
2:00 PM EDT -
2:30 PM EDT |
30 minutes
Canadian Geodetic Survey – Supporting Accurate Geospatial Positioning in Canada
2:45 PM EDT -
3:15 PM EDT |
30 minutes
Friday 23 April, 2021
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Keynote: Barbara Ryan - Supporting Decision Makers: Challenges and Opportunities for the Earth Observation and Geospatial Communities
10:00 AM EDT -
10:30 AM EDT |
30 minutes
A Tale of Two Cities - Quality cartographic output for your data with Adobe Illustrator and MAPublisher
10:45 AM EDT -
11:15 AM EDT |
30 minutes
GIS & beyond – smart software solutions made in Poland
11:30 AM EDT -
12:00 PM EDT |
30 minutes
Advances in Earth Observation & Analytics Technologies + Deployment in Forest & Climate Solutions - Tara O'Shea, Planet
12:30 PM EDT -
1:00 PM EDT |
30 minutes
Talk: "Locating the Blockchain"- Bilyana Anicic CEO, Aurora Consulting
2:00 PM EDT -
2:30 PM EDT |
30 minutes
Monday 26 April, 2021
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
MAXAR Workshop: Delivering geospatial intelligence to entire organizations with SecureWatch
12:00 PM EDT -
2:00 PM EDT |
2 hours
GoGeomatics Canada Workshop: Create Interactive Maps with Leaflet (JavaScript library)
1:00 PM EDT -
3:00 PM EDT |
2 hours
Got a Drone - Now What? Mapping with your UAV using Global Mapper
2:00 PM EDT -
4:00 PM EDT |
2 hours
Tuesday 27 April, 2021
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Let's Talk Automation
10:00 AM EDT -
12:00 PM EDT |
2 hours
Introduction to SAR/EO Products Workshop, Hosted by MDA
1:00 PM EDT -
3:00 PM EDT |
2 hours
Re-Imaging Remote Sensing with ERDAS IMAGINE - workshops for AI, Spatial Modeling, Python Integration
3:30 PM EDT -
5:00 PM EDT |
1 hour 30 minutes
Wednesday 28 April, 2021
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Drone-derived data and geomatics quality and accuracy standards
1:00 PM EDT -
4:00 PM EDT |
3 hours
Canadian Perspectives: The Power of Geospatial Literacy for Space, Earth Observation, and Education
1:00 PM EDT -
4:00 PM EDT |
3 hours
Thursday 29 April, 2021
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
The 2021 Canadian Cartographic Association (CCA) Workshop
12:00 PM EDT -
2:00 PM EDT |
2 hours
From Imagery Purchasing to Final Product Workshop
1:00 PM EDT -
2:30 PM EDT |
1 hour 30 minutes
Friday 30 April, 2021
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
GIS Project Management Practices
11:00 AM EDT -
2:30 PM EDT |
3 hours 30 minutes
World Geospatial Industry Council: Leading global geospatial policy Advocacy
1:00 PM EDT -
3:00 PM EDT |
2 hours