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National Underground Asset Register - United Kingdom; Applying real data to a data model

Decorative image for session National Underground Asset Register - United Kingdom; Applying real data to a data model

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10:45 AM, Wednesday 23 Mar 2022 EDT (30 minutes)
  Virtual session
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Synopsis: The UK National Underground Asset Register has gone through rigorous pilot and preparation phases and has learned a lot about the data which we will share for 3 regions before a national roll out. However, despite all the best laid plans there will always be exceptions and unexpected scenarios which will need to either be fitted into the data model or have the data model change in order to fit them. The way in which we make these changes could make or break a project like this which is incorporating over 650 different datasets into one model, the OGC MUDDI model. What's more, if we do it right, a standardised model can help to drive positive change within the industry to improve data quality and set a standard to aim for. 

Who's Attending

Nick Dodds
Project Manager
Cabinet Office
Mark Saunders
Senior Geophysicist
Tiana Hann
Florian Cardi
Head of international development
John Coburn
GIS Technical Specialist
Defence Construction Canada
Gordon McElravy
McElravy Associates
Barb Cederberg
Chief Operations Officer
Gopher State One Call
Stephen Lai
Data Manager
data manager
Mike Carter
Sales and Service Specialist
Scribble Maps
Jeff Hennebury
College of the North Atlantic

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